Laura’s on a flying visit to London, and so of course we took the opportunity to get together and swap notes on our recent reading. Regular guest Phil Chaffee dialled in from New York to add his picks to the mix.
Find out what we thought of summer it-book The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley, we consider the auto fictional world of Deborah Levy, Kate reports back on Francis Spufford’s new novel – and podcast book club read – Cahokia Jazz and we round it off with art-world memoir All That Glitters by Orlando Whitfield – unputdownable in Kate’s opinion, find out why.
It’s also our first ever sponsored episode. Introducing Serious Readers, a company dedicated to creating the world’s best reading lamps. Listen in for Kate’s interview with founder Alex Pratt, and learn more about why your eyes might struggle under standard LED lighting. We know how much as readers you care about your eyes, so we were happy to tell you about a product that feels like just what they need.
Listen in for all the details, and if you’re interested to try them head to and use code BCR for £100 off any HD light. You have 30 days to decide if they’re right for you. In the UK you’ll also get free delivery. Outside of the UK the offer is still valid, but there would also be a shipping charge.
Listen via the media player above, or via apple, Spotify or wherever you get your pods.
Books featured in this episode
The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley
Cahokia Jazz by Francis Spufford
The Dragon Waiting by John M. Ford
Real Estate by Deborah Levy
All That Glitters by Orlando Whitfield
Serious Readers
Like the sound of Serious Readers? Head to and use code BCR for £100 off any HD light, you’ll also get free delivery and you have 30 days to try them out.
Episode transcript
[coming soon]

I just found your podcast. Really enjoyed it on a drive. Ended up ordering Ministry of Time, Cahokia Jazz, The Dragon Waiting, and All That Glitters. I’m in the US, so All That Glitters won’t arrive until August.). On my drive home, I listened to your podcast on Lonesome Dove. Will give that a miss, but I have put Prairie Fires on my reading shortlist.
Hi Ann, so glad you enjoyed the shows. I’m disappointed I couldn’t convince you about Lonesome Dove, but perhaps you’ll come back to it one day if you have a good chunk of reading time at your disposal. All That Glitters was one of my favourite reads this year, I hope you enjoy it too.